Saturday, 11 February 2012

Museum Report

 It was the day I went to National Museum with lecturer and my classmates. I was excited because it was my first time to see the French paintings in front of my eyes. In museum, as I expected they were marvelous indeed. They were totally different than what we normally see in the internet or books. Especially, the painting which made me excited more was Van Gogh’s painting “The Starry Nights” but not the one we usually see in the internet or book, it was same title but different scenery. However, there were one more painting which caught my eye, and it was “War or the Cavalcade of Discord” by Henri Rousseau on 1894. Another interesting was this artist was not involved in any kind of revolution or movement in his life time. His painting was unique. Even though Gauguin’s paintings were also unique but this artist’s painting, hard to explain and analyzed what this trying to show exactly. In my analysis, the black horse can be represent as a death, but still the girl, wearing white dress ; this may be indicates as innocent, smiling as if she enjoys it, it looks she riding the black horse but she is not, and the dead corpses somehow placed dramatically not randomly. Still I really enjoyed the museum visit.

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