Sunday, 22 January 2012

3rd Class - The Modern Art

 The 3rd class of Investigating Issues in Art, a lecture was about Modernism or Modern Art. The lecturer told us to make in to 2 groups then passed around the pictures of artists’ paintings and told us to choose which artwork is the Modern Art. First time what I considered about the Modern Art was which are different than normal art(what I mean is not just a painted work), so my group chose Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup. However, after the lecturer passed a pieces of paper which were article about the Modern Art. Its separated in different pieces into 6 and I got 6th reading. Reading was hard to understand. After the lecturer told us what it is about, somehow I understand it.
 According to the article in 6th reading, Modern Art; flatness of the surface that remained, but more fundamental or simpler than anything else to the processes. Flatness itself was unique and exclusive to pictorial art. Flatness was also the only condition painting shared with no other art. So basically the Modern Art is art which have a unique feature called “Flatness” which doesn’t share with other art.

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