Sunday, 22 January 2012

3rd Class - The Modern Art

 The 3rd class of Investigating Issues in Art, a lecture was about Modernism or Modern Art. The lecturer told us to make in to 2 groups then passed around the pictures of artists’ paintings and told us to choose which artwork is the Modern Art. First time what I considered about the Modern Art was which are different than normal art(what I mean is not just a painted work), so my group chose Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup. However, after the lecturer passed a pieces of paper which were article about the Modern Art. Its separated in different pieces into 6 and I got 6th reading. Reading was hard to understand. After the lecturer told us what it is about, somehow I understand it.
 According to the article in 6th reading, Modern Art; flatness of the surface that remained, but more fundamental or simpler than anything else to the processes. Flatness itself was unique and exclusive to pictorial art. Flatness was also the only condition painting shared with no other art. So basically the Modern Art is art which have a unique feature called “Flatness” which doesn’t share with other art.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

2nd Class of Investigating Issues in Art

 The second day of investigating issues in art, the teacher talking about what is representation. She showed us few presentation which is related to this topic. For the first time, I saw Plato mentioned that Art is just an merely a copy or imitation of the original. So the artist are the imperfect and we are imperfect. What he said seems right. However, now these days, the point of view towards the Arts has changed.
 The lecturer gave us some article which found in book and made us in group and discuss about it. The article was bit hard to understand due to there are playing of the words which mean repeating same words in one sentence. But somehow I managed to understand the article and even I learned a new things from this. Representation doesn't mean copy of something, but it is a description of something.
 The class was bit tough this day, but at the same time I learned new information. I hope she bring new information for the next class.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Reflection of the 1st class of Investigating Issues in Art

 What is Art? What is the people's perspective of Art? How do they see the Art? Like these questions, many people had doubted themselves. So do I. Before I start the class, I was thinking what kinds of class the Investigating Issues in Art will be. Then during the class, after we discussed the artists' work, I realized people have there different perspective or the thoughts about the Art. So there were the issues went on. So this is the Investigating Issues Art is about. This was my realization towards this class.

 Frankly speaking, I didn't consider that the issues are not so important for the Arts. However, after the teacher's lecture and classmates discussion, I start realizing why the issues are significance for the Arts. We people have our different perspective towards the Arts. Some people support or accord the  someone's point of view, but at the same time there are people who are against or disaccord it. This is why the issues are important. Although I admired and inspired by the Arts, still I have a lack of knowledge about it.

I learned something new during the class. Eventhough I am like a empty shell of clamp, soon I will create a big beautiful pearl which people admire about it.